
Showing posts from October, 2018

Fluorescent Activated Cell Sorting Illustration

Fluorescent activated cell sorting is a powerful tool for basic and clinical research because individual cells can be separated from a heterogeneous sample and used for downstream analysis or therapeutic applications. Download this illustration example to learn more about how FACS is important for your research. For more details visit us: 

教你睇穿激光脫毛價錢中伏位! | 人妻準備班 – U Blog 博客

做激光脫毛 價錢有貴有平,咁點先唔中伏?有無聽過「羊毛出自羊身上」?如果單睇. 詳情請訪問我們:

Djanel'ange - BUNDA BEBE (clip video)

African girl with a deep and powerful voice. Djanel'ange is a young African Artiste who brings something new in that new music generation. Bunda Bébé means FIGHT BABY it's a motivation's song for these who are dreaming about something to fight for what you want and never let's someone discouraging or try to change you. Be strong, your Beautiful, you are Unique and you are all you dream.